Sunday, January 24, 2016

Essence Card Service Offerings

Essence Cards

What are Essence Cards?
An Essence Card is a Spirit, Oracle or Tarot card that is used to show the essence of the day, week, month, or even year.  It shows you anything you need to pay attention to, know, or accomplish during a specific period of time.  I would be honored if you chose me to pull your card, or a layout of cards for you.

Energy Oracle Cards by Sandra Anne Taylor

Individual Services are Priced Below

Your Personal Oracle Card Reading by my Spiritual Guides complete with explanation
You determine what the focus of the draw will be:  what aspect of life you would like guidance or assistance with.  My personal Spirit guides assist and direct me in drawing the right cards.  I tune into my guides, and they arrange the cards in the order they are to be read, and give you the reading and the messages.

Three Card Spread
This spread focuses on 3 areas such as 
Current Situation/Obstacle/Advice
Where you are now/What you aspire to be/How to get there
What you want from the relationship/What they want from the relationship/Where the relationship is heading
The solution/An alternate solution/How to choose

This reading comes in a slide presentation that includes the cards and expounded explanation of each card.  Please email me via the contact me form in the side left column of the blog to schedule a reading $15

One Card Pull
This pull focuses on what the Spirit guides want you to focus on for the following day, week, or even month.  If you need assistance with a specific area, or question, this is a great way to get the guidance you need! 

Example Questions for the Universe: 

If I stay on my current plan/path, what is the likely outcome of the situation

What do I need to know about my career/relationship/current situation/health?

What do I need to focus on to change and improve my situation

What is the Spirit's guidance for me today?

This comes in a file form with your card and expounded explanation of what the Guides are telling you.  $5

Birthday Spread
The Birthday Spread is a 9 card pull that helps you plan your coarse to achieving specific goals before your next birthday.  It shows you where you are now, and how to evaluate things that happened previously.  Focus on what you would like to accomplish before your next birthday, and find out what the year might bring.  

What you receive:  A copy to keep and focus on for the year, expounded explanation of what the Spirit Guides are telling you.  $30

Year Spread with Essence Card
This is a 13 card spread that includes one card for each of the 12 months, and an essence or theme card for the entire year.  This is an in depth reading that includes a series of 12 questions, and it gives you a point of focus for the following year.
You will receive a copy of the presentation with expounded explanation of what the Spirit guides are telling you!  

  $50  This read is offered in the months of December and January, but I am extending the offer at a discounted rate for those who have not yet had their year read for them!  Hurry to get your reading for the discounted rate of $35

Current Cards Available for Readings:


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